TATT: Capturing Kiddos

No, today’s Tips and Tricks Tuesday isn’t about grabbing a defiant two year old who would rather run headlong into the street than come inside for dinner, as the title might lead you to think. (But not because I don’t have such a two year old.) Instead, I’d like to spend today’s post talking about capturing kids in photographs.

Now, I’m not an expert on this topic, by any means. But I have learned a lot in the last four years since Alethea was born. In fact, sometimes I look back at those early days of her life and wish I’d had more photography experience before she came along. I’m sure the photos I took back then could have been better.

Well, there’s no turning back the clock, but moving forward, here are some things that I plan to keep on doing…

TIP #1: Take it Outside
The more photos I take, the more I conclude that lighting truly is everything. It’s next to impossible (at least for me) to take a really wonderful photo in poor lighting. Therefore, my favorite place to shoot is in the great outdoors, preferably on a cloudy day when we have a nice even light with no distracting shadows.

Here is Alethea. I was outside on just such a day, taking some flower photos when she said, “Mommy, take some of me!” So I pointed the camera in her direction and *snap*. Very cute, nice even lighting too. But just a bit of a “cheese smile”.

TIP #2: Give Your Kiddo a Task
Hug your sister, jump up and down, wave to me… directions like these always seem to help me get more natural expressions from the girls. In this case I tried, “Smell the flowers!”

Well, more natural, but I really wanted to capture her face. So I tried, “Smell the flowers, but look at me.”

Hmmm… not quite there…

TIP #3: Keep Clicking!
For every picture that I truly love, I take dozens of ones that aren’t nearly as great. Like when a leaf gets awkwardly in the way…

And gets in the way again…

Time to combine tricks two and three… give a new direction and just keep clicking away! Alethea, can you hide in the flowers?

Almost there, and then suddenly, the money shot…

I love everything about this one, the soft lighting, the half-smile on her face, the flowers around the edge. Love it, love it, love it!

So there you go, my best tricks for taking kid pics: go outside, give them something to do, and then keep clicking away!

How about you guys? What are your favorite photos of that you’ve taken of your kids (or grandkids, nieces and nephews)? And how did you get them? I want to know!

Pics at the Park

I was going through my photos this morning and realized that I didn’t get my camera out much in April and as a result my folder of monthly photos of the girls was a little bit sparse. To prevent such a catastrophe from occurring during May, I packed up the girls and my good camera, and we headed off to the park for some playtime.  Here are my favorite pics from the morning:

My very first photo of the day was of Alethea’s feet hanging off the slide, a different sort of shot for me, but I couldn’t resist the playfulness of the moment.

Lydia absolutely flies off the end of this slide… and loves it!

Alethea likes the tube slide too. It took all four years of her life to work up the courage to go down, but now it just might be her favorite part of the park.

Lydia’s favorite part of the park is the swings. That girl would swing for hours if I’d stand there and push her.

Ride ’em cowgirl!

Picking dandelions was just as much fun as playing on the playground!

(Yes, Alethea’s dress is on backwards. Yes, I mentioned it and yes, she was quite sure she didn’t want it turned around.)

Alethea thought her flowers looked liked something for a princess and wanted to go home and “put on my dress from Aunt Genna’s wedding and wear it while I hold my flowers”.

So there you go, a day at the park in pictures. Now I can rest easy tonight knowing that I have properly documented the month of May 2013 in the girls’ lives. Whew!

A Frances the Badger Birthday Party

So sorry to suddenly drop off the face of the blog planet.  The weather has FINALLY turned here in Minnesota and the girls and I have been spending every free minute outdoors.  That added to Peter’s birthday, Mother’s Day and the fact that our fence is being installed (yes, we are actually getting the long awaited fence) has added up to not much time for blogging.

But I’m back this evening, blogging from my front porch.  The birds are singing and the bugs haven’t started biting yet.  Oh how I adore spring!  Baby animals chattering, flowers and plants poking out, I’m in love with all the world.  Except for the rabbit that ate four years worth of growth off my Trillium.  That bunny can die a long, slow, painful death from all of the Lily of the Valley that he also greedily devoured.  But other than him, yes, I’m in love with all the world.

Anyhow, enough about the weather.  Back at the end of April, we had Alethea’s birthday party.  Lately she has been enjoying the Frances books by Russell Hoban, particularly A Birthday for Frances.  Thus her request for a “Frances party”.

For those of you who don’t know, Frances is a badger and the books were written in the 1960s and 70s, so not the sort of theme where you can just run into Party City and pick up a bunch of theme appropriate paper goods.  Instead, I used the color scheme from the book’s cover (pink and green), and taking as many cues from the book as possible, here’s what I came up with for invitations, decor and favors:

After last year’s bumblebee extravaganza, which was super fun, but also a bit crazy, I decided to go for a much smaller, mostly family guest list and I e-mailed out the invites instead of getting them printed up.

Peter gave me Photoshop Elements for Christmas two years ago and I think I’m just finally getting the hang of it.  I have to admit that I was almost giddy with pride when I managed to change the name on the cake from “Gloria” to “Alethea”.  Photoshop rookie for the win!

With the guests invited, I moved on to the decor.  I knew I wanted something special on the mantle, but didn’t want to totally revamp my spring decor, so I changed out my Easter chalkboard for a birthday themed one…

Also on the mantle was a balloon bouquet.  Alethea specifically requested a “Frances balloon” and I know she was thinking of a mylar balloon with a Frances badger on it, but since the only badger balloons I could find featured the slightly scary Wisconsin badger, I decided to go with the next closest thing, which was a plush badger holding balloons…

Alethea was very excited that Frances actually came to her party and was even wearing a custom made party dress thanks to Gramma Denny.  Frances appeared the morning of the party, but I told Alethea she had to leave Frances up on the mantle until she opened her presents.  So instead of playing with Frances, she stood looking up at her and said things like, “I’m so glad you’re here, Frances.  You have balloons!  Two green and one pink!  We have more balloons over here, but these are MY balloons.  Those three are yours.”  I always have to laugh when I listen in on Alethea’s conversations with her stuffed friends.  Those plush animals are so very real to her right now.

This year’s memory table (aka the console table behind the couch) held the usual assortment of pictures from the previous year, as well as another chalkboard and two Frances book covers that I printed out for the occasion.

The food and beverage stations featured more Frances book covers.  The menu for the evening was spaghetti and meatballs and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  If that menu sounds a bit odd, it might be because you’ve never read Bread and Jam for Frances, in which case, let me recommend that you do so, because it is one of the best children’s books of all time.

I took the favor ideas straight out of the book, which were party poppers and little baskets of gumdrops and chocolate covered raisins.  (Actually in the book they are chocolate covered peanuts, but choking hazards and kids birthdays aren’t a great mix.)  I DIYed the baskets using these instructions.  And my neighbor and I put together the party poppers with these supplies…

I found a place online to buy the cracker strips.  They weren’t as loud as I thought they’d be, more of a ‘pop’ than a ‘bang’, but maybe that was a good thing.  In the end I think we used too much tape to hold everything together, so they were a little hard to pull apart.  The kids didn’t seem to care though, they were mostly interested in the goodies inside.

Another of Alethea’s requests was a cake “just like the one in the book”.  I knew I’d never survive all that piping, so I had my friend make the cake and she did an absolutely amazing job.  It was beautiful and also gynormous since she used two 12 inch rounds!

Alethea was quite pleased with the end result!

And here is what the cake table looked like once I got everything put together.  (Plates and napkins from Target, doilies and oversized pink candles from Party City, big fringe streamers DIYed using instructions here.)

Whew!  There you go, my best attempt at a Frances the Badger birthday theme.  And now, since this post is already way too long and it’s getting late, I’ll have to get the actual party pics up later, but never fear, they are coming.

Thanks for stopping by to share in the fun!

To view more BobbleHeadBaby celebrations, visit my Parties Page!

Happy Birthday, Alethea!

Isn’t she lovely

Isn’t she wonderful

Isn’t she precious

Since one minute old

I never thought through love we’d be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn’t she lovely made from love

Happy 4th birthday, Alethea Margaret!!!!

You are LOVELY and LOVED!

So glad you’re our girl,

Mommy & Daddy

Lotsa Links

Some links for your Monday…

I’ve been a little out of it lately. Not sure if it’s the weather, but something just seems off, so I loved these tips on how to beat the doldrums.

I think I might try having Alethea and Lydia help me make a couple of these.

This little girl tells me that she wants a little brother because, “We need more boys in our house.”

Being able to have quality one-on-one time is something I’ve been thinking about a lot as Peter and I go back and forth on whether we will try to have more children.

Thought this was an insightful post about using social media.

I’ve sponsored a child through Compassion International for many years now and I’d love to take trip to visit our little girl in Africa someday.  One of my favorite bloggers came back from her sponsor trip and made this simple, but so meaningful piece of art.

Happy Monday everyone!

Not Your Average Spring Day

Can’t believe it’s April 19th and there is a fresh foot of snow outside on the ground.  I won’t say I’m thrilled, I’d much rather be gardening, but when your garden looks like this, you just have to find something else to do instead…

So instead of planting flowers or strolling along a sun drenched path the girls and I spent our morning outside doing other things. Like…

Building a snowman…

Hugging a snowman and…

Feeding a snowman lunch.  Although I was in formed that our snowman was in fact named “Ms. Snowman” and was therefore a girl.

We also…

Put a ball in our mouth…

And pretended to be a puppy.  And by “we” I mean “just Lydia” because no one else was so brave as to chew on a wet ball from off the driveway.


There was a pine tree close to the snowman and…

Alethea thought it was hilarious that the tree was tickling her.  A bit of preschool humor there for you.

And for our last hurrah, we..

Found a puddle to jump in and had a good time getting soaking wet and then a not so good time becoming very cold.

After which we…

Went inside and had hot chocolate…

Good to the last drop!

Signs of Spring

Can’t believe how long it’s taking for the snow in our yard to melt.  Three full months into the New Year and it still sorta feels like Narnia around here (you know, always winter, but never Christmas). I think though that Aslan must finally be on the move…

There isn’t much green in my flower garden yet, but the Lamium is waking up! Yeah!

On the down-side, the melting snow has revealed one flower pot that has massively and completely self destructed over the winter. Last time I buy a pot from Home Goods.  Boo!

Another sure sign of spring…

The Boys of Summer are back and Peter and I went to our first Twins game of the season and had the most amazing seats ever… right behind the dugout!

It was a bit cold, but totally worth it!  I even got a ball.  I wish I could say that Justin or Joe had tossed it to me, when actually it was an infield practice ball that rolled into the camera pit.  It’s pretty beat up (Peter declared it a batting practice reject) but I don’t care.  I got a ball and TWINS WIN, so pretty much best game ever in my book.

And lastly…

The rocking chairs are back out on the front porch.  Alethea and Clifford both seem pleased at their reappearance.

There is snow in the forecast for later this week, but spring IS coming… I think… maybe…

And…. We’re Back!

Sorry for the long blogging break.  We’ve had a busy last week or so.  Here’s what we’ve been up to…

Last week Monday through Thursday, we took a little family vacation to a hotel/waterpark in Duluth.  Not the most exotic destination, I know, but after last year’s somewhat disastrous spring break trip, we decided to keep it simple and affordable by avoiding air travel and limiting the trip to four days.  And what do you know, it pretty much worked.  There were some melt downs and Alethea started asking to go home a full 24 hours before our departure, but over all, Peter and I agreed that it was one of the best family vacations we’ve had since Alethea and Lydia arrived on the scene.

Naturally, the waterpark was the highlight of the trip and the yellow slides were the highlight of the waterpark.  It did take the girls three trips to the pool before they worked up the bravery to duck under all the falling water to access the slides, but once that was done, they were interested in trying nothing else.

The Friday morning after our trip we took it easy at home and tried to do a post-vacation decompress, but that evening I went out with some friends for a ladies night out at a restaurant/bowling alley in Minneapolis.  Unexpectedly ran into my brother-in-law there, hanging out with his friends, which made me feel good to know that I’m at least cool enough to frequent the same establishment as people who are still young and childless.  Maybe I’m not SO old?

Let’s not dwell on that question… So, Saturday we took the girls to a local Easter egg hunt.  There aren’t too many places in the world where hundreds of people would show up in 30 degree weather to pick up plastic eggs out of several feet of snow, but Minnesota is one of the few.  And yes, Alethea did choose to wear a dress and yes, she was quite cold.

The girls both enjoyed gathering eggs, were thrilled to discover that they contained candy and afterwards, Alethea was even brave enough to have her picture taken with the Easter bunny.

Lydia was not so confident and actually twitched nervously every time the bunny moved, so I have no picture to share of her snuggling up to him.  I did get a good one of the girls hugging each other though…

Sunday was church and afterwards a friend and I stayed to do some painting.  It was supposed to be a couple of quick walls, but then we kept finding more to do, so I arrived home late in the evening, quite sore, and not at all ready to jump back into our regular routine on Monday morning.  Oh well!

So now we’re all back to our usual stuff: playing with stuffed animals, going to work, reading books, teaching piano lessons, doing dishes and lots and lots of laundry.  Oh and planning Alethea’s birthday party, buying her present off Craigslist (she’s getting a bike, it’s pink and has streamers on the handlebars), prepping for Easter dinner (we’re hosting) and tracking down stuff for the girl’s baskets. And dreaming of spring… always, always dreaming of spring… sigh…

What have you all been up to lately?